Motivation with Matt
Subject: “Don’t Wait.”
Today I’m going to talk about waiting, and why “Don’t Wait” should be your new mantra.
Mantra – noun – a statement or slogan repeated frequently.
“Don’t Wait.”
Studies have shown that waiting kills people…It’s true.
Are you living to live or waiting to die?
“Don’t Wait.”

Only Fools wait. Winners Don’t Wait.
This is something I feel very passionate about. Although… I didn’t always feel this way. Throughout my life I have made sure of one thing: being physically active. Aside from being active, and trying “diet” after “diet,” I never pursued anything. I waited…
I have wanted to write an e-book and start a website to help people for years and years, but you know what I did instead? I waited…
I actually wrote the entire sales page for my e-book years ago. That day I had all of this motivation and drive to write it. I was determined. But do you know what happened? I got high and then decided…”Hmm I’ll wait and finish this tommorow.”
Can you guess what happened the next day? The same damn thing. I got high…then I waited. I waited for the next day and said to myself “If I just wait until Thursday, I will feel like writing all of my book in one sitting!” Yeah right, just keep telling yourself that buddy…
I waited and I kept waiting, until all of the momentum and drive I had on that first day disappeared. I had no desire to finish it. To this day, that sales page remains the exact way that I left it. Untouched.
Mary Jane wasn’t my only demon. I also was battling a video game addiction. Because of the instant gratification, video games made waiting tolerable.

Don’t wait to battle your demons.
I am a very competitive person and these games were an outlet for me to channel that competitive spirit in the laziest way possible. I loved video games and I played them all. The ones that stole most of my life were: Counterstrike, Call of Duty, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Left for Dead, Team Fortress, Smash Brothers, Age of Empires, DOTA, Perfect World, World of Warcraft, and League of Legends.
The “free-to-play” games were the worst. I convinced myself that dropping hundreds of real dollars into these games was acceptable behavior. Yes. You read that right. That’s something not many people know about me…until now. I wasn’t proud of it and I knew it was dumb, but I did it anyway. I let video games ruin my life over and over again.
Combining weed and video games was a lethal combination. They effectively killed my will to socialize and killed my ambition.
Truth be told: there were a handful of times where I would get high and drive all the way to the gym. Then, in the parking lot I would get anxious and convince myself that it would be better to workout the next day instead. So I turned my car back on and drove all the way back home feeling ashamed of myself.
It was downright pathetic, and the sad thing is I know I’m not the only one who has done something like this. So if that’s what you are looking to achieve, have at it. But for me, I am done with that lifestyle.
So what changed all of this?
Long story short, I found myself a girlfriend. A serious one. So serious that we actually got married.
*Cue Canon in D Minor.*
I knew deep down inside that I needed to change. I knew that if I wanted to do anything significant with my life, I needed to quit smoking and quit gaming. Since my (now) wife does neither of those things, it made quitting a hell of a lot easier than my previous attempts. Trading weed and video games for a meaningful relationship was the best decision of my life.
How did I discover the power of “Don’t Wait”?
I started reading motivational material. Lots of it. This made me realize that my goals were possible. All I had to do was start working, and the only thing holding me back was myself. My whole life I was choosing to wait, and I kept choosing to waiting. I knew that waiting was my problem all along, but for some reason it finally clicked and I chose to stop waiting.
“Don’t Wait,” “Don’t Wait,” “Don’t Wait!”
I can’t say it enough.
Don’t wait until you are sick to start eating healthy.
Don’t wait until you are fat to start exercising.
Don’t wait until you are flat-broke to start making money.
Don’t wait until your debts are unbearably high to start paying them off.
Don’t wait until the next day to tell somebody you love them.
Don’t wait until the next day to apologize.
Don’t wait until it is the “perfect moment.”
There is no time better than NOW.
But even if you did wait, you can still change. You can change today.
Just don’t wait anymore. Start today. Better yet, start right now. Create a goal and start working towards accomplishing it immediately.
This is a direct challenge from me to you – I challenge you to start working towards your goal at this very moment. Take that first step and don’t look back. Do something… Do anything! And tomorrow, do something again. Keep working, and don’t stop until you achieve your goal.
Since I’ve made “Don’t Wait” my mantra, I have accomplished more in one month, than I did over the course of 5 years. My productivity has increased drastically. I am proud of my work, and I look forward to working on my blog everyday because I am passionate about it.
I still can’t believe that after all of these years of waiting, I finally stopped waiting and took action.
Now I am the proud owner of
I have a strong feeling that this will be a good year for Remedy Rising and I can only hope that I have inspired or motivated you as much as others have motivated me.
I can only hope that my words have touched you in a way that resonates with your being and encourages you to take action.
Leave a comment below about what you accomplished today. No matter how big or how small.
Don’t be a waiter, be something Greater.
And Remember: “DON’T WAIT.”
Your amigo,
-Matt Colby
Photos by: Cricava, Vancanjay, and Brandon Lee
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