Breaking News with Matt
Subject: The Best Diet and Best Exercise

The Best Diet and Best Exercise, Hands Down!
What is the Best Diet and Best Exercise?
In a land where we are bombarded with so many options and paths, deciding where to start can be very intimidating. Everyone seems to be an expert and it is their way or the highway!
With so many choices – many of which contradict the others – one can easily get overwhelmed and likely choose to do nothing. You would think having so many options would be a good thing, right? Not quite…
Lucky for you, I’ve already tried the majority of diets and exercise routines that are out there. I’ve discovered which ones are crap and which ones are worthwhile.
And now I am going to tell you the best diet and best exercise you could possibly do.
“PLEASE! Tell me the best diet and best exercise!”
Ok, ok. It’s a simple answer, really.
Prepare to be shocked…
Drum roll please.
The best diet and best exercise are ones that you will consistently follow.

“No way!”

“Like, I can’t even!!!”
That’s right.
The best diet and best exercise are simply the ones that you will stick with.
What’s the point in trying to improve your health with some crazy new diet fad if you are going to drop that habit and resort to your old ways shortly after?
Seems like a waste of time to me.
“Okay, so there is no best diet and best exercise…but that still doesn’t help me know where to start…”
How to Eat for Life, Fat Loss, and Muscle and Exercise: Strengthening the Beast are good places to start.
How do you choose the best diet and best exercise for YOU?
I don’t know about you, but time is very important to me. I want to get the best results from the least amount of time.
Because my time is so important, I rely on using my time conveniently. If a routine is very inconvenient for me, then I won’t do it.
Convenience can conveniently be broken down into a few subcategories:
- Time – Does preparing the food require a lot of time? Am I going to have to purchase a lot of spices, etc so I can cook this food? How often do I have to workout, and for how long? Can I do this at home or do I need a gym membership? All of these questions come to my mind as I can be very impatient. Especially when I’m hungry.
- Social – If I have to eat out somewhere, will they have food that fits my “diet?” If I’m invited to a cookout or dinner can I eat without requesting special accommodations? Eating is such a social event – you will face challenges here constantly. Unfortunately, it’s just something you’ll have to learn to deal with. Don’t let anyone stand in your way.
- Price – Am I going to have to break the bank to stick with this plan? Are there cheaper alternative? What are my options? The price is always something to consider.
For me, convenience is a big factor in deciding upon the best diet and best exercise.
What’s convenient for me, may not be convenient for you. This is something that only you know and that you will have to take into account.
Going 100 is a detailed compilation of my whole life’s worth of research and experience condensed into an easy-to-follow guide. I include what I have found to be the most effective ways to gain marked results with minimal time expended.
I include options for people with either “money to blow” or “money no-go.”
I encourage you to read it, apply it, and work it into your schedule in a way that best conveniences you. The most important thing is to stay dedicated, persistent, and never give up.
Why did I even bother writing this article on the “best diet and best exercise?”
Because most people, myself included, only want the very best. During this search, we often miss out on golden opportunities because we are too busy looking for the “best” one.
If all of the time we wasted searching, was spent APPLYING, we would have already achieved our goals.
The Takeaway: You should always be working towards something – even if you aren’t using the so called “best method.”
Let’s be honest:
The only type of diet you will follow is one that includes foods that you enjoy eating.
The only type of exercises you will do are ones that don’t require you to be in the gym for hours at a time.
Just in case you completely missed it, I am going to tell you the secret again:
Almost every diet and exercise routine is going to work as long as you fully commit to it and stick with it. If your eating habits and exercising habits aren’t sustainable, then what’s the point?
Make conscious eating and exercising a LIFESTYLE, not a trend.
It takes 21 days to create a new habit. Start today and push through the pain. Tackle any obstacles that may come your way.
Trust me when I say that once these things become a habit and are integrated into your core being, sticking with them will be a breeze.
You will start feeling “off” if you miss a workout or when you let unhealthy food fork you over.
So quit making excuses and make the decision to better yourself RIGHT NOW!
Make a convenience plan, stick with it, set goals, and crush them.
Oh yeah, and one more time:
The best diet and best exercise are ones you will follow.
Photos by: Stuart Miles 1, 2, David Dominici, and Photostock
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