From the Mind of Matt Colby
Subject: Beating the Self-Defeating Victim Mentality
In one way or another, we are all at war. Each and every one of us is fighting a battle. One of the hardest battles to win is the one going on inside your head.
Many people suffer from “victim mentality.” Learn how to be a winner, and defeat this losing victim mentality.
What is a “Victim Mentality?”
1. The person holds the belief that their circumstance is out of their control. Nothing that happens in their life is their fault. Someone else is always to blame. They are a victim to the Big Ol’ Bully of Situation.
- This allows the person to avoid the work required to better their life.
2. These people are pessimistic and negative. They feel undeserving and act as if everyone else is more fortunate. When they aren’t busy being angry at the world, they find ways to be sad; They often exaggerate stories hoping that people will feel sorry for them.
- However, I truly believe these people are victims… Victims of their own victim mentality.
- The daily reinforcement of this mentality, only serves to deepen and worsen their state.
Much like the hypochondriac, these “victims” suffer from what I call condition conviction. The firmly held belief, the “conviction”, of the “condition” causes symptoms to eventually manifest in the person’s life.
Refer to Wikipedia for more information on Victim Mentality.
No matter how severe your victim mentality may be, I firmly believe you are able to heal yourself.
The question is: Do you believe?
Are YOU ready to take action?
Are YOU ready to reclaim your life?
Good. But before we start, let us remember: the body is an intricate system.
It depends on a balance between all faculties.
“How do I optimize my body?” You ask.
Luckily, you are in the right place. My whole life I have relentlessly pursued improvement in all aspects and regards of the human form.
The human form includes the body, mind, and soul.
However, at Remedy Rising we dubbed these the three aspects:
Beast, Machine, and Boss.
Now, let’s defeat this Victim Mentality once and for all!
1ST – If you want the Beast to run at full speed; you have to feed it the right fuel. After all, you are what you eat.
Do you want to be a dumpy old tub of grease from eating fried foods? Fried foods that were likely cooked in rancid oil that has been sitting out for days?
…Or would you rather be a strong and ripped beast formed from the meat of a healthy cow who grazed on its natural diet of grass in a big, green pasture?
The answer is obvious.
You may claim that you are satisfied with your gross way of living…
You might say you are OK with the toll your lifestyle has taken on your body…
But take a moment to be honest with yourself.
Are you happy?
The good news is you CAN change.
I advocate a Paleo Diet. You can eat all of the meat and vegetables you can handle, as long as you minimize carbohydrates.
To use carbs effectively, eat them before and after workouts.
The best foods are:
- Organic, in-season produce <Read about the importance of eating organic <here>>
- Grass fed beef
- Pasture-raised eggs and chicken
- Organ meats – A great place to purchase high-quality, grass-fed meats is – US Wellness Meats
- Seafood – excluding tuna – due to high mercury levels
- Sugar
- Flour/gluten
- Alcohol
- Processed Foods
2ND – Now you know how to fuel the Beast, but how do you exercise the Beast?
A Google search on “exercise” will yield an endless sea of information. That’s because there are so many different approaches to exercise. This makes it a huge, profitable industry. However, this also leads to massive confusion and choice overload<Also known as The Paradox of Choice>
For our purposes here, I only recommend 3 workouts a week. Combine these with as much walking as possible on non-workout days.
- One workout should be a H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) exercise, such as sprints.
- The two other workouts should be total body routines. (ex. Pullups, Squats, Push-ups, Planks)
I write in-depth on exercising the Beast here.
Exercise endows countless beneficial effects from your head to your toe. It increases resilience to stress – both physically and mentally. It releases feel-good endorphins, creates a surge in hormones<see hormones>, and raises BDNF significantly.
*Exercise does have one side effect:
- Exercise will make you look good naked. 😉
3RD – You need to reprogram the Machine in your head. It needs new software that will annihilate all viruses(negative thoughts) before they have the chance to infect.
How do I do this?
I won’t lie to you. It will be hard, it will take dedication, and you might start trying to convince yourself that it won’t work and that it is a waste of time.
But think about this: What do you have to lose?
The answer is nothing, absolutely nothing. But you have EVERYTHING to gain!
The results won’t be immediate and will take time to accrue, but remain faithful and positive. It will work.
Let’s talk about a concept that is critical to understanding how to reprogram your mind Machine. Neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to continually rewire itself throughout your entire life. This is an amazing tool, as long as you use it to build your brain upon a positive mindset.
It is actually the exact concept I used to cure myself of my own Social Anxiety.
Regardless of victim mentality, The Brain That Changes Itself is a great book that sheds light on neuroplasticity. It is very interesting and instills a confidence that change is possible. It explains how they discovered that the brain is ‘plastic’ and includes stories, along with evidence, illustrating this point. I guarantee this book will take you on a mind opening journey.
“The power of positive thinking finally gains scientific credibility. Mind-bending, miracle-making, reality-busting stuff…Straddles the gap between science and self-help.” –The New York Times.
What’s Inside the Brain of a Person with Victim Mentality:
The person with victim mentality has neuronal connections that are entrenched in a negative mindset loop.
Do not underestimate the power of these bonds. They are so powerful that overtime these people actually do turn themselves into victims.
Yet it is still because of their own doing.
On the bright side, once you become aware you are able to overcome.
You have to continually be aware of your thoughts and stop the downward negative thought spiral dead in its tracks. This takes mindfulness and diligence.
Remember, each time you allow these negative thoughts to take place, you are allowing your brain to reinforce this defeatist mindset.
How do you replace negative thought patterns?
The brain is known to have 4 Major states. These Brainwave States include beta, alpha, theta, and delta.
- Through a process known as Brainwave Entrainment(BWE), the brain can progressively be ‘tuned’ to any of these states.
- BWE involves playing a frequency(of the associated state) over a binaural/monaural beat, or an isochronic tone, which is then heard through high quality headphones. Sennheiser makes my favorite headphones. <See Sennheiser HD201 Binaural Headphones
What do these states have to do with conquering a victim mentality?
Well, it’s theorized that the brain is more receptive in the theta state(source). Combine this with a specifically crafted NLP (neurolinguistic program) recording and you will quickly begin building new neuronal pathways in your brain, which will work to override your current, unhealthy victim mentality.
Exceed Global’s Extreme Power 3 is the most elaborate and effective product you could use. It is the exact one I used when I needed a boost years ago.
Alternatively, you can search YouTube and hope you find something decent there.
These new pathways are much like a seed just beginning to take root. You must water and nurture this new pathway in order for it to grow and branch out its roots. This means daily application of the NLP & Brainwave treatment.
Don’t give up – these new connections take time to become evident because they are in direct competition with stronger connections that have been in place for who knows how long.
Let’s do a quick recap:
- You’ve learned what a victim mentality is and how to spot the signs.
- You’ve learned how to properly fuel the Beast.
- You’ve learned how to exercise the Beast.
- You’ve learned the importance of a positive mindset and neuroplasticity.
So what’s left?
Without further ado:
4TH – The Fast Lane to recovery.
Another tool you can put under your belt is nootropics. Nootropics are also referred to as “smart drugs.” Some nootropics can facilitate neuronal plasticity through encouraging BDNF and NGF(Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Nerve Growth Factor, respectively). BDNF is also referred to as “fertilizer for the brain.” How cool is that?
The expression of BDNF hastens the recovery process while simultaneously promoting anti-depressive actions.
- “Postmortem analyses have revealed lower levels of BDNF in patients with major depression,6 while BDNF infusion into the brain has been found to produce antidepressant like action.7” (source)
The touted Bacopa Monnieri is an excellent introduction to nootropics. This well-known adaptogenic herb serves to improve memory, act as an anxiolytic(anti-anxiety), promote BDNF(source), and much more. I recommend taking it at night, since it often produces drowsiness from its dopamine modulating properties.
Nootropics are a very interesting field, and I highly recommend you investigate them further.
With all of these tools under your belt, I am confident that you can overcome a victim mentality or any other destructive mindset for that matter.
You now have the power to develop the winner mindset that you were destined to achieve.
Take control. Don’t be a victim.
Your friend,
-Matt Colby
P.S. In this article I link to future articles within my website that I have yet to publish. In order to become immediately notified when these articles are released, be sure to sign up to the FREE newsletter NOW!
Photos by: Vjeran Lisjak, Shenky, and Gmarcelo
[…] tell you why. It is because you are lazy and a Victim Mentality makes coping easy. You probably read through “Don’t Wait” and said “OMG […]